


Iwan and Jessica among the 2022 'Welsh Schools Association Awards' recipients

Every year at the AGM of the Welsh Schools Athletic Association, nominations for 'Welsh Schools Association Awards' are received from the eight Welsh school districts and considered at the annual general meeting.

As the Hon secretary of the Dyfed Schools AA, Dr Hedydd Davies submitted nominations on behalf of Dyfed Schools AA this year and the district was successful in receiving awards, confirmed at the beginning of December.

The 2022 recipients and awards awarded to Carmarthen Harriers members are: / Yn derbyn gwobrau 2022 aelodau Harriers Caerfyrddin yw:

The Denys Gumbley Award / Gwobr Denys Gumbley) - Iwan Thomas (Ysgol Glan-Y-Môr)

(to the outstanding boy cross country athlete in the year)

The JDB Williams Award / Gwobr JDB Williams - Jessica Lee (Ysgol Dyffryn Taf)

(to the outstanding girl field event athlete in the year)

They were presented to the athletes at the Welsh Athletics Cross Country Championships in Brecon and at Carmarthen Athletics Track. Congratulations / Llongyfarchiadau.