


Carmarthen Town Sports Awards 2023: Harriers among the shortlisted finalists

The 2023 edition of the Carmarthen Town Sports Awards took place in the town on Friday evening, 26th January.

The annual awards, held at the Carmarthen Quins Rugby Football Club and organised by Carmarthen Town Council, again recognised sporting achievements and successes by athletes, volunteers and teams in the town of Carmarthen over the past 12 months.

Sponsored by J H Morse & Sons Ltd and RM Hardware & Agri, the council had invited the public to nominate since November. An independent selection panel of sporting experts then decided on the winners and runners up of each category.

The thirteen categories were:

Senior Men / Dynion Hyn, U13s Junior Male / Bechgyn Iau O Dan 13, U13s Junior Female / Merched Iau O Dan 13, U16s Intermediate Male / Bechgyn Ganol O Dan 16, U16s Female Intermediate / Merched Ganol O Dan 16, U19s Youth Male / Bechgyn Ieuenctid O Dan 19, U19s Youth Female / Merched Ieuenctid O Dan 19.

Junior Team / Tim Iau, Senior Team / Tim Hyn, Coach & Organiser / Hyfforddwr & Trefnwr, Mayor's Award for Special Achievement / Gwobr Y Maer am Gyflawniad Arbennig and Lifetime Achievement Award / Gwobr Cyflawniad Oes.

These awards have been a success for Carmarthen & District Harriers Athletics Club over the years and this year was no different, with 10 being shortlisted to attend on the evening. Carmarthen Harriers won seven main awards and three runners up awards.

Congratulations / Llongyfarchiadau!



Categories and Awards were...

First / Cyntaf:

- Buddy Evans (Under 13 Junior Male)

- Summer Evans (Under 13 Junior Female)

- Iwan Thomas (Under 16 Intermediate Male)

- Ifan Bowen (Under 19 Youth Male)

- Jessica Lee (Under 19 Youth Female)

- Neil Thomas (Coach)

- Mia Lloyd (Mayor's Award for Special Achievement)


Second / Ail:

- Finley Bruce (Under 16 Intermediate Male)

- Storm Evans (Under 19 Youth Female)

- Carmarthen Harriers Junior Team (Junior Team) - Paige-lily Williams and Tayla Williams representing the junior team


- Lifetime Achievement Award - Mrs Jane Lindquist