


Carmarthen Harriers memories / Atgofion Harriers Caerfyrddin 1948-2023 - On Sale

A New book by Dr Hedydd Davies; Carmarthen Harriers memories 1948-2023 is on sale. This hard cover book (220 pages) with many old photographs outlines the history of the Club since its formation in 1948.

There are over 80 contributions from Carmarthen Harriers members and friends of the Club.

Former members and British and Irish Lions Sir Gareth Edwards, Roy Bergiers and Brynmor Williams are amongst the contributors as is Lynn Davies the 1964 Olympic long jump champion who competed in Carmarthen in 1965 and 1967.

Book also includes the Carmarthen Harriers Welsh All time ranking list.

The book is now on sale at a price of £10 (including postage). Bank transfer can be arranged. Please contact Hedydd to purchase the book or they are available to buy at Siop Y Pentan, Carmarthen Town Market.


Mae llyfr newydd gan Dr Hedydd Davies; Atgofion Harriers Caerfyrddin 1948-2023 ar werth. Mae’r llyfr clawr caled hwn (220 o dudalennau) gyda llawer o hen luniau yn amlinellu hanes y Clwb ers ei ffurfio yn 1948.

Mae dros 80 o gyfraniadau gan aelodau Harriers Caerfyrddin a chyfeillion y Clwb.

Mae cyn-aelodau a cyn-chwaraewyr Llewod Prydain ac Iwerddon Syr Gareth Edwards, Roy Bergiers a Brynmor Williams ymhlith y cyfranwyr ynghyd â Lynn Davies, pencampwr naid hir Olympaidd 1964 a gystadlodd yng Nghaerfyrddin yn 1965 a 1967.

Mae'r llyfr hefyd yn cynnwys rhestr safleoedd Cymru Harriers Caerfyrddin.

Mae'r llyfr ar werth nawr am pris £10 (cost post am ddim). Cysylltwch a Hedydd i brynu'r llyfr, hefyd mae nhw ar gael yn Siop Y Persarn, Marchnad Tref Caerfyrddin.


Athlete Achievement Award - Welsh Athletics National Awards Dinner 2022

Hedydd's journey as an athlete began at school and with Carmarthen Harriers, and he continued to compete at university where he experienced considerable success. Following his time at university he competed for three English clubs before returning to Carmarthen.

Hedydd competed at the highest level on the track, road and cross country including Welsh Track & Field Championships, lnternationals and Representative matches and Cross Country Championships, also the World Cross Country Championships and World Masters Championships. He won two British University 3000m steeplechase titles, four Welsh Athletics Steeplechase Championships and won the Welsh Marathon Championships on three occasions. Hedydd competed in the 1970 Edinburgh Commonwealth Games.

Hedydd has been recognised for his achievements and contribution to the sport on several occasions including an MBE for his services to Carmarthen Harriers and Welsh Athletics, the Torch Trophy for his work with British Athletics and a Lifetime Achievement Award from Welsh Athletics.

For a full record of his extensive athletics achievements see his book - Athletics, Education and Carmarthen Harriers.


Hedydd Davies

President Carmarthen and District Harriers Athletics Club

