Carmarthen Harriers are very lucky to have a team of committed officers, officials and qualified coaches who volunteer and help in all aspects each week.
Who's Who? Below is a list of the 2024-25 Club Officers and our Tuesday and Thursday club coaches and their discipline, confirmed at the club's Annual General Meeting.
If you are interested in volunteering at the club, please get in touch. Meet the Team:
President: Dr Hedydd Davies MBE
Chairman: Jake Morgan
Vice Chair: Neil Thomas
Secretary & Membership Secretary: Cressy Morgan
Assistant Secretary: Katya Edwards
Treasurer: Sharon Williams
Welfare Officers: David Toogood & Alison Thomas
Coach Coordinators: Paul Mabey
Marketing & Press Officer: Nathan Jones
Gate Management: Lisa Forrest
Officials Coordinator: Alison Thomas
Neil Thomas - Endurance
David Toogood - Endurance
Carol Jones - Endurance
Cressy Morgan - Endurance
Kevin Evans - Endurance
Jake Morgan - Sprints
Steve Perks - Sprints
Jane Batten - Junior Run, Jump, Throw
Katya Edwards - Junior Run, Jump, Throw
Alison Thomas - Junior Run, Jump, Throw
Ellie Loweth - Junior Run, Jump, Throw
Ralph Siggery - Throws
Alison Phillips - Throws
Paul Mabey - Throws
Ffion Mabey - Throws
Kelly Phillips - Assistant Coach
Elizabeth Tremlett - Assistant Coach
Craig Williams - Assistant Coach
Glyn Davies - Assistant Coach